Between 2020 and 2021, the US construction industry experienced an eight percent growth in value – with a 2021 market value size of $1.6 trillion. Industry analysts agree that 2022 and subsequent years will experience similar growth spurts. The US construction sector isn’t dwindling anytime soon, and this increase in growth and value comes with an increased need for skilled laborers, back-office staff members, business professionals, and all other workers that make construction operations possible.


If you’re a construction business seeking growth, it’s imperative that you’re able to source, hire, and retain new workers across all areas of operation – which is one reason why numerous companies are relying on construction recruitment agencies to fill their organizational gaps. Finding talent is hard enough, and finding the right talent for your specific needs is an even greater challenge. Below are some of the top strategies to increase your recruitment numbers, retain more staff, and enhance your overall workforce.

Improve Your Brand’s Positioning in the Market

Branding isn’t just about finding new customers and increasing sales, it’s also about sourcing new talent (and retaining them). Positioning your brand as a better option for employment over competitors is an often overlooked yet vital aspect of construction recruitment. Use the following strategies and tactics to optimize the way your brand is perceived by potential employees and workers.


  • Optimize your marketing channels with a focus on highlighting the importance of your workers and staff members
  • Include your company’s unique benefits in marketing, web content, and outreach campaigns
  • Start employing new advertising and marketing methods such as emerging social media platforms to target younger demographics
  • Develop in-depth career growth plans for each position so potential employees know they have the possibility to grow with your company
  • Consider revamping benefits packages and increasing sign-on bonuses to make potential applicants more interested from the start

Use Technology to Find Top Talent

Finding the best workers and employees for your business used to be a challenge for even the savviest of managers, but in today’s digital-focused landscape, this is no longer the case. By employing the latest technologies and leveraging the internet to level the playing field, organizations can have a much easier time sourcing the highest quality workers compared to past decades.


  • Use the internet to its fullest potential – find industry and location-specific job websites, popular job boards, and other career-focused communities to announce new positions and garner heightened interest in your brand.
  • Utilize the power of online construction recruiters to take the weight off your managers’ backs. The difference between using an experienced construction recruiter and a low-level HR staff member often marks the defining line between high-quality workers and lower-hanging fruit.

Recruitment Services for Faster Growth

Construction recruiting services are used by construction businesses of all sizes and across all areas of the country. With the number of job-related challenges that the industry is currently experiencing, enlisting the services of a highly professional recruitment firm can give your organization a much-needed competitive edge.